Monday, February 14, 2011

valentines day post

Out of the dark we came into the... Light, a massive sign of relief brushed upon us. Finally, we had made it out from the grasps of the treacherous tunnels which lay beneath the misty mountains. It was a long dangerous trip that could had led to our deaths at any moment. Our journey would take us underneath the mountains on a at the very least four day hike. The trail itself was barely the width of a car and at points we crossed paths with ancient bridges which carried us across a cliff that lay so deep that darkness was all we could see.
       As the final morning approached we took shelter on the side of the path. I could not sleep for the fright of never waking up was much too great; suddenly out of the darkness came a squeal filled with terror. Jumping up from my sleeping bag i bashed my head on a rock which was stuck out from the walls that lined that portion of the path. Moments passed and the cavern was silent. Then, to the south of us a pounding was heard, followed by the sound of trumpets. Oddly enough these mountains were not known to have been occupied by the crafty ork which sparsely  populated the forests to the west. As the beat of war drums approached you noticed a stench, mankind could not have produced a scent that would reek as bad as this. Fear filled our faces as we bailed from our sleeping quarters down the path to safety.  

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