Monday, March 14, 2011

My Journey on a Pirate Ship

Twas mid summer of 1639 and all had been going swell. The crew and I were longing for home. It had been four months since we last saw land. We clung to life by surviving off of the collections that we obtained upon our raids. For years we had made our living chasing down merchant vessels. We jumped aboard their deck and ravaged their crews. After we had slaughtered all left on board we ripped threw the ship in search for belongings for ourselves and food and water. As we departed from our victories the last man off would set fire to the deck assuring that no one would survive, even if they had evaded our initial searches. Hundreds of innocent lives were lost between the years we spent turning the open waters red with the blood of commoners. In 1637 we returned home finally, after being abroad for two years terrorizing the seas. My hope was that we could live among the kind folk of Charleston quietly without any trouble from the authorities. But luck was never on our side, and after three weeks we had to flee from mobs in search for revenge for their fallen. So for two years now we have not come across the sight of land. Until now. It seems that we have come across an empty isle. Abandoned, i will stay behind when the crew decides to depart. I will live the rest of my life in peace in search for retribution for all of my sins. In hope that someday god will forgive me as i stand before him at the gates of heaven.

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